SMA 2.2.6 - Perpendicular Parking on the Mauka Side of
Ala Moana Park Drive

Reconfigure (PERPENDICULAR) parking
Mauka of Ala Moana Park Drive (SMA 2.2.6)
Disruptive to traffic flow on busy two-way road, backing out of the stall or into the stall. Traffic flow is already hampered.
Line of sight hampered – danger to pedestrians, joggers, Bicyclists, motorized vehicles, especially at night.
Equipment on vehicles (surfboards, kayaks) stick out into road. Difficulty opening car doors in tight spaces—more dents.
Tree and grass must be removed to create additional space needed for perpendicular parking
Permeable surface will be replace with more asphalt, contributing to heating and more problems with flooding during heavy rains or rise in tides
Will result in repaving area that just was repaved at a cost of more than $1.2 Million
Keyhole Parking Expansion will provide more than twice the numbers of current spaces and meet optimal parking needs indicated in the parking studies done for EIS. Data should be collected over the course of a year to determine if the Keyhole Parking Expansion meets park users needs, before starting on converting the parallel parking on the Mauka side of Ala Moana Park Drive to perpendicular spaces.
City should consider running a City bus route through the Park to eliminate the need for more parking. This would be especially valuable to young people and senior citizens to provide access to the park without the need for space to park a car.
If Rail is expected to run nearby, those users would not need a parking space. Similarly, Biki riders do not need parking.
Public viewpoints
“Vehicles reversing into the flow of traffic on a busy drive is an accident waiting to happen, not only to the vehicles but people crossing the drive… long ocean craft will extend outward onto the path of oncoming traffic creating a safety hazard. Off loading and loading will be much more hazardous.”
Ron Iwami
President, Friends of Kewalos
“… with 113 parking stalls recommended by the parking study in the DEIS, and with the additional number of parking stalls being accommodated for in the Keyhole renovation proposal, why would an additional 121 parking stalls be needed for such a drastic undertaking?”
Audrey Lee
Mālama Moana
“the perpendicular parking proposal is unwise, will contribute to more accidents and injuries, and will further jeopardize the safety of seniors and the handicapped”
– Lei Ho-
Perpendicular parking stalls guarantee traffic problems, safety hazards and potentially would contribute to the breakdown of what remains a usually friendly park environment. For the most part, park users share aloha not road rage with each other.
-Nancy Grace-
“I don’t think it would be a good idea to make the beach goers park perpendicular on the Mauka side or any side of the park for that matter. It definitely would be an inconvenience to traffic going in each direction. Have you or any of your staff ever come to these special events? in ex: The Lantern Festival, Fourth of July. It’s total chaos even at present when we park parallel. And perpendicular parking will make things worse and a hazard. It’s an accident just waiting to happen, both to automobile traffic as well as foot traffic.”
-Lorna Tsuruda-
“I have serious concerns on the safety of perpendicular parking along Ala Moana Beach Park Dr. I am a retired Ocean Safety Lifeguard that spent 33yrs at Ala Moana Park. I feel that with a speed limit of 15mph and cars vying for emptying or open perpendicular
parking stalls there will be major traffic disruption and serious pedestrian hazards. Also egress and ingress to the perpendicular stalls will cause a car traveling in the Ewa direction to veer into oncoming Diamond head traffic to enter or exit stalls. I also feel that loading and unloading of recreational equipment will be done near or in the Ewa bound
Written lane of traffic.”
-Helene Phillips-